Chris Whittaker
A self described ‘professional fun-haver and good time enthusiast’.
It appears to be the easiest way of summing up all of his interests and occupations where the boundary of hobby-meets-work is blended and dissolved. An adventure travel writer, photographer, video-maker, expedition leader, sea kayak guide and snowboard instructor.
His passion for adventure travel and the natural world has found him kayaking with humpback whales, orcas and volcanos; off-road and jet ski driving with special needs children’s charities; and digging watering holes for African wildlife in the savannah.
His paddle has entered the waters of numerous countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, China, France, Italy, Guyana, and of course his home nation of the United Kingdom.
Chris is a Yes-Man and the instigator of this adventure. You’ll find more information of his personal adventures on his website www.global-shenanigans.com

Nuka de Jocas
A French-Canadian that has made this territory his playground.
Holding a bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Intervention and Leadership, he has managed a variety of projects in the outdoors and has a deeper understanding of the role of nature in ones self.
This is not his first large scale expedition. On a previous mission, Nuka kayaked 7,350km from Montreal, Canada; to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico; on a journey that would last 15 months. Outspoken and honest, Nuka has presented his numerous adventure projects in the form of conferences to groups of all ages. These experiences shall be truly invaluable when applied to the trip.
Today, he is also living on the West Coast of Canada, guiding with Chris, and continually working with isolated communities. He brings to the team a vast knowledge on project management and truly invaluable experience of lengthy expedition. And his peculiar French sense of humour.